
I sometimes think that the week (aka 168 hours) is my favourite period of time to experiment with routine, ride the troves between hump day, feel the early rush of a weekend, before settling into the stillness of Sunday. Time is such a fickle thing and the idealist in me is constantly moved by it.

How it went

  • Support with thought leadership on product > customer centricity

  • Workshop prep on customer excellence for a private healthcare provider

  • Produced research cards as workshop material for a consumer health company: ft. trends and provocations, to get some creative juices on future-proofing the business

  • Analysed a mountain of discovery material for my new project (initial research, insights and just more clarity on what the overall mission/vision is about)

  • Finalised my goals as part of my development plan for the year

  • Very little brainstorm on portfolio epics to come out the back of the new project (from a CX angle)

Working in progress

This week has been thriving with all the healthcare-related opportunities I’d dreamt about since I started my Master’s degree. There’s too much to cover in a single note, but perhaps most exciting bits have been kicking off with my new digital retail and health project, meeting the team, getting to know ways of working etc.

We have three months to get a service blueprint together that will bridge retail + health through an enhanced digital proposition — alongside revisiting the design system, E2E infrastructure, product management, and many more. Retail has a lot of accessibility to learn from health, and vice versa, health can borrow much from personalisation. Whilst the project has yet to officially kick off, we’ve been burying ourselves with pre-read materials, familiarising ourselves with the discovery work and mapping out the different micro-journeys that have been defined as target-state. For when we start, this will give us some sort of skeleton or ‘worksheet’ to bring to the client, before the real work is done to fill in all the gaps.

Researching in progress

I spent the last weekend laying out a 6-month plan to writing my dissertation at the end of year. I always say that planning is the eating-the-frog part, and putting together a research proposal for review is very much that. Whilst one part looks at reflexivity (keeping a research log to acknowledge my biases), the part I’m opening up to participation will involve workshopping/interviews, looking at personalised outcomes for death, ideas for governance, defining metrics for success. I’m not too worried about the ethics process, although there’s a lot of clarity I’m missing on the delivery format and recruitment strategy. I still have a long way to go, but the slow way > no way.

Very selective reads

The Triple Diamond, Nora Guerrera

Filling in the gaps - The case for public backlogs, roadmaps, Ross Ferguson


Designing to navigate


Days are gone